Unique Rewards
There are many strategies when it comes to crafting a crowdfunding campaign. Get your rewards in order, pricing for add-ons, figure out budgets, fulfillment, etc. But one of the things that maybe gets a bit overlooked is, what can help your campaign stand out from all others? What's unique about it? What can you provide that's unique? A reward? Add-on? Stretch goal? Something no one's ever seen or done before?
I bring this up, because at present, we have two campaigns running with some incredibly unique propositions. First one is Stardust. Now, this is a campaing about the World's Weirdest Superhero, so the weirder, the better when it comes to offerings. Well, now there is a stretch goal, where if the campaign raises $50,000, writer and editor of this anthology will get a TATTOO of Stardust!

We are also running a campaign called A Never-Ending Adventure by Oscar Osario. One of the add-ons is him hosting you at his home in Lima Peru for 3 days/ 2 nights! Who would've thought for an AirBnB type add-on for a comics crowdfunding campaign! I think it's brilliant, and someone should definitely take him up on this! A friendly place to stay in South America? Amazing! Plus good comics? It's a no brainer! In all honestly, not sure you'll find a cheaper place to stay!

But, overall the point is, if you can find something unique to you, or your campaign that you can offer people, it creates buzz, and excitement. It helps you reach your funding goal, and gets people interested in what you're doing. Whether they buy the weird thing or not. Maybe they'll at least get the comic! But if you have the ability to offer something off the beaten path, it's a good thing every time. What can you offer in your next campaign?! What would you like to see offered that you haven't ever seen before in a crowdfunding campaign?