Heroes Con

Back from Heroes Con in North Carolina. Great to see so many friends, and creators at this show. One of my favorite of the year!
We hosted a crowdfunding panel, featuring Van Jensen, who has his campaign for Stardust live right now! And it was great to see him at the show, and brainstorm ideas in person. It's actually where he came up with the idea to get a tattoo of Stardust as a stretch goal for the campaign!
It was also great to talk to other creators, and hear about potential plans for upcoming campaigns, crowdfunding and self publishing efforts. Chatted with Tony Harris who's almost done doing the commissions for The Whistling Skull hardcover. Saw the digital proof of the book from the printer, and it looks absolutely amazing!
On a personal note, I got to tell Tom Defalco, legendary Marvel writer/editor how much his creation, The New Warriors has impacted my life. Seriously, it's crazy to think about what my life would be like if Tom and Ron Frenz did NOT create the New Warriors. A "What If" book indeed!
And of course, I saw someone wearing a Rocketeer t-shirt at the show from our campaign over a year ago! Great to see the stuff we put out there is being appreciated by our backers and supporters!
Next up is San Diego Comic Con! We'll be there with a panel. Can't tell you more than that yet, but we're gonna have some fun! Til then!